Sunday, April 1, 2007

Buy those Chief Logo Shirts Now!

Buy your Chief Logo Shirts as soon as possible, since the manufacturers will need to stop producing them by June 15th, 2007, or at the latest, December 31st, 2007 (for those back-orders). Link

The funniest quote of the story is this: The school will continue using the "Illini" and "Fighting Illini" names.

The reason it's funny, is that Illini means the same thing as Illinois. Did anyone think they would change the name of the State to be more politically correct? Can you imagine the cost of this? Reprinting maps, license plates, etc.

Hope we don't have any Chief Logo haters out there, or do we???


Anonymous said...

I am 1/16 Cherokee. I am too young to have an opinion other than when I am hungry and want a bottle of milk. I do understand when I get older that my dad will let me be the cowboy every once in a while when we play cowboys and Indians. I am still uncommitted between Illinois and Indiana. When it becomes time to decide, I may ask Eric Gordon for some advice.
A.J. aka Jaxon

Anonymous said...

Jaxon, YOu should be in bed!


Anonymous said...

chief shirts might be ok to scrub out the back of my pickup or to help clean out the trash can after a good hosing.

Iron Mike

Legal Pub said...

lets ask the one man fast break dee brown what he thinks...

Ron said...

Iron Mike:

You must be one of the offended ones, or a very politically correct liberal!
